[UNH] What We’ve Been Watching


Annnd we’re back! Lucard, Mark and Becky discuss everything from Del Toro’s foray into animation (TROLLHUNTERS), to wet dogs (DOG SOLDIERS; THE WOLFMAN), gore-hounds’ groundhog day (HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U); the good ole Warrens [DRINK!] (ANNABELLE COMES HOME; THE CURSE OF LA LLORONA); a woefully underutilised Benedict Cumberbatch as Satan (GOOD OMENS); sleep paralysis demons (MARA; DEAD AWAKE) and what YOU’VE been watching. However, nothing comes close to Mark’s description of the wonder that is: IRON SKY 2: THE COMING RACE. Join us to listen to his review in all its glory.

Author: UNH