[UNH] Children of the Old Dark House: Spider Baby & X-Files: Home

This week on the United Nations of Horror, Mark from The Good, The Bad and the Odd joins Becky and Lucard. We welcome our Librarian of Horror, Talicia as she makes her co-hosting debut! Previously back in Episode 7 we discussed The Old Dark House and how it has birthed many horror children such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre and other notoriously dysfunctional families. We discuss two Children of Old Dark House this week. First up is 1964’s Spider Baby. The film starred Lon Chaney, Jr. in the twilight of his career caring for three orphaned siblings who suffer from “Merrye Syndrome”. The genetic disorder (most likely caused by inbreeding) causes the children to mentally, socially, and physically regress backwards down the evolutionary ladder starting in early puberty. We follow the dysfunction up with one of the most haunting episodes of X-Files ever aired called “Home”. In this episode, Moulder and Skully are called to a rural Pennsylvanian town to investigate the murder of a baby who was buried alive. But what they find in the seemingly perfect Mayberry-like town is anything but ordinary. After the inbreeding has ceased, we have some great feedback from Wallaby Jones and Luna Myst Dragomir.

As always, we’ll discuss what we’ve been watching. Titles including: 

    • Shutter
    • Exorcist
    • Exorcist 2: The Heretic
    • Manson Family Vacation
    • Walking Dead (first 10 comics and the series so far, but without spoilers)
    • Dawn of the Dead 2004
    • Bates Motel 
  • Whisperer in Darkness – H.P.Lovecraft 
Author: UNH